Monday, October 13, 2008

Fight for your right to...riot?

I decided long ago that I would not be participating in the Chico party scene any longer. Telling from this weekend's event, I'd say that was a good choice. I may have been at home playing housewife to my boyfriend, but I have had my fair share of wild, drunken Chico nights and I'm glad to have that out of my system.

Gone are the days of polishing off a fifth of tequila and running down the streets like a maniac, only to crawl home a disheveled mess and wake up to a terrible hangover and half-sober memories of the night before. College is not an excuse to go crazy and have zero respect for yourself and your surroundings. How can we digress so much while under the influence when we spend thousands of dollars here to mature into educated adults.

I for one am happy that I have one more semester at Chico, and that I will be leaving without ever getting arrested, drugged at a frat party or setting a couch on fire. I wonder what kind of publicity clean-up Chico State will do to distract the town from this disaster...extra coverage of "Up Til Dawn," maybe?

P.S. To respond to our original blog topic, I yell and curse in my sleep. Last night, I told my boyfriend, "Get the fuck away from me! They're coming!" He shook me and I said, "I love you," and fell back to sleep peacefully. I have done this my whole life and probably scared the shit out of some girls at sleepovers.

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